The City of Salem has contracted for a slurry seal to be performed on the areas shown on the map below.
A slurry seal is a preventative maintenance treatment used to extend the life of the street that is in good condition and helps address minor defects. A slurry seal is a ½” layer applied on top of the existing asphalt surface by a paver and is a mixture of asphalt oil, small rock and other additives.
Slurry seal application starting Wednesday, July 24, 2024; 8:00 a.m.
There will be NO PARKING OR DRIVING ALLOWED on the street until the sealing process is complete and dry which can take up to 6 hours.
The sealing process is scheduled to be take one day to completed.If you have any questions, please contact city hall at 605-425-2301.
Lori Heumiller
Finance Officer,
Salem, South Dakota