Frequently Asked Questions

Simply click on the question you would like answered, and you will be taken directly to that spot on the page.



 What is the City's contact information?

PO BOX 249
SALEM SD 57058
(605) 425-2301 

 During what hours is City Hall open?

Closed to the public, please call 605.425.2301 for an appointment

Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm 
                                 1:00 pm -  5:00 pm, 
(except for holidays and weather emergencies)

 How do I find my polling place?

If you are unsure of your precinct location, check the South Dakota Secretary of State website.

After a few questions to obtain your home address, it will provide the precinct number and location where you will go to vote as well as list which district elections within the state you are able to vote.

 At what point does the City declare a snow emergency?

A snow emergency is declared after a snowfall or snow accumulation of more than two inches. Plowing starts on the snow emergency routes first and then continue on side streets. Vehicles are required to be removed from the streets 6 hours after 2" of snowfall or accumulation.

 What are the "Restricted Use Site hours?

Please see the information below on the Rubble Site Hours & Fees.

Rubble Site Fall Hours of Operation

Monday: 3:00pm-7:00pm

Wednesday: 3:00pm-7:00pm

Saturday: 10:00am- 12:00noon

                  1:00pm- 4:00pm

Annual Residential Stickers - $20 can be purchased at the site or city hall.

Please call City Hall to make arrangements.
This is subject to change without notice. Thank you.



 When is recycling picked up?

Residential recycling services are provided by RBS Sanitation.  Recycling is picked up every other week. Please click on the map for the Recycling Pickup Calendar:

 When is the Annual Spring Cleanup Day? (Sioux Falls Landfill Change)

Annual Garbage Free Drop-Off Day Change
Sioux Falls Regional Landfill Program Change

Drop Off Location - Sioux Falls Regional Landfill
26750 464th Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57033

View Map

One load per household address 
(less than 10,000 lbs gross vehicle weight). 
Driver's license or other State ID's required

Please contact the landfill team at (605) 367-8162.with questions or use the link below.

Program Link


 What recreation activities are available for children?

Softball and Baseball Program Information: Click HERE 

Pool Information: Click HERE

 Who are the elected officials?

Mayor: Glenda Blindert

Council Members:
Ward I:  Marc Harris & Ron Mayrose
Ward II: Doug Mokros & Mitch Rayman
Ward III: Janet Karel & Dnyee Schierholz


WATER/SEWER: Harris, Mokros; BLDGS/BURNPIT:  Karel, Schierholz; STREET/EQUIPMENT:  Mokros, Mayrose; PARKS/REC/LIQUOR: Schierholz, Rayman; POOL: Rayman, Karel; LAW/FIRE: Mayrose, Harris; CIVIL DEFENSE: Mayrose, Mayor Blindert